5 Minutes with Breast Cancer Friends Hampshire | Your Cancer Services

28 August 2020 — david-allen

Some of the most successful cancer support groups are founded by people that have lived through a cancer diagnosis and are therefore able to offer support, experience and empathy. Breast Cancer Friends Hampshire is one of those support groups. Created in 2014, this private Facebook support group was set up or anyone living in Hampshire with a breast cancer diagnosis. 

What services do you offer people living with cancer?

We offer empathy, support and advice to anyone with concerns over their diagnosis, treatment, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, side effects, surgery, hormone treatment, reconstruction, lymphedema, going back to work, to name just a few.  We have all been through this traumatic cancer experience and we can help each other.

We also arrange meetups at local garden centre cafes or tea shops all around Hampshire, to give those in different areas the chance to meet up with others from the group in person. We help each other and provide words of comfort and support for the tough times and fun and laughter for the good times .

Do you have a target demographic who use your services?

Anyone, male or female, with a breast cancer diagnosis, now or in the past, living in Hampshire.

How are you funded?

As Facebook community group no funding is required.

What’s the most rewarding thing about the work you do?

The group provides online support 24/7 from people who have already been though treatment for breast cancer and who know what it feels like. Providing practical support and awareness eg. free prescriptions and financial support via Macmillan, to what foods to avoid or to help you during chemotherapy. 

What would you say to those who are considering getting in touch with you but are nervous or apprehensive?

Please visit the Facebook group and ask to join the group – you’ll be asked a few questions which enables the administrators of the group to make sure anyone wanting to join fits our criteria, and it allows other in the group to connect with you. You don’t have to be active in the group – just making the first step to join us is huge – and from then on you will be in a safe and private environment, to chat to others, or just to read the updates.  A community of online friends.

Who works for you?

We’re not employees as such, the group is run entirely by volunteers.

What are the values of your organisation?

We pride ourselves on being supportive, positive and providing empathy at all times.

And finally, can you describe your organisation in 3 words?

Friendly, supportive, fun.   

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