5 Minutes with StrongerThan | Your Cancer Services

28 March 2023 — david-allen

StrongerThan is an online specialist physiotherapy service for those going through cancer. We spoke to Founder and Specialist Oncology and Palliative Care Physiotherapist, Hannah Leach, to find out more.

Tell us about your organisation? 

I started StrongerThan at the start of 2020 (just before the pandemic), after noticing that specialist cancer services were not accessible to all people across the UK. I felt that taking my skills and knowledge online, to reach as many people as possible, just made sense! My mission is to support, educate and empower people on how to keep their body and mind strong – before, during and after their cancer treatment. 

What services do you offer people living with cancer?

My service is currently 100% based online, providing 1:1 appointments for anyone living with cancer. I also write physiotherapy content for charities and platforms providing cancer care, to ensure the right information is available online to those who need it! 

Since all my work is based online, there is no ‘hands-on’ physiotherapy. My service is focused on empowering my clients with knowledge, techniques and exercises to give a clear cancer rehabilitation plan.

Do you have a target demographic who use your services?

My demographic is anyone, over 18 years old, who is living with cancer (especially those experiencing physical side effects). 

How are you funded?

At present, my clients are self-funding. My goal in the future is to work with charities or partnerships, to make my service accessible to all who need it. 

How have things changed for you since COVID-19?

Since my service was always online based, I fortunately did not have to adapt my service in any way! 

When I started StrongerThan, some people found the idea of online physiotherapy a little confusing. I was working hard to raise the profile of virtual physiotherapy and the benefits of these within cancer care; online appointments are particularly useful if you are at risk of infection, severely fatigued or have symptoms such as pain, breathlessness or nausea that make travelling to appointments difficult. Online also takes geography out of the equation! 

During Covid, almost everything became online based, which has helped people to understand my mission and my service better.

What’s the most rewarding thing about the work you do?

My work is rewarding beyond measure. I love being able to meet and work with people, who are going through some of life’s most difficult situations and yet feel motivated to remain strong, independent and achieve their goals.

What would you say to those who are considering getting in touch with you but are nervous or apprehensive?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for a no-strings-attached chat. I would love to speak with you about what you are experiencing and what could be done to help (even if I am not the best person for the job, I can point you in the direction of someone who is). 

Physiotherapy has a reputation for being intense and hard-work. As a physiotherapist, my job is to understand the human body, how it moves and how it is affected by damage or illness. Cancer and its treatment can affect the body in so many ways, with symptoms such as pain, weakness, breathlessness and fatigue. Many of these symptoms are manageable through physiotherapy and you shouldn’t have to just accept them. When your body is going through these huge physical changes, getting support from a professional who is specialised in managing the physical side effects of cancer just makes sense!

Do you have testimonials from people that have used your services? 

Yes, all my testimonials can be found on my website. Here are two of my favourites:

“She is one of the main reasons I have recovered psychologically and physically as much as I have. I am so pleased to have met Hannah online and wish I could meet her in person to give her the biggest hug!” 

“At a time when I needed guidance and support, I found Hannah. She has been an amazing resource for a multitude of issues and has provided me with a detailed exercise plan and confidence boost. Nothing is a hassle and definitely a great resource for people starting, during or post cancer/surgery therapy.” 

Who works for you?

I currently work alone.

What are the values of your organisation?

My drive to launch my own business is based on the following core values:

  • Integrity – doing what is right and honest
  • Innovation – challenging the status quo and finding new ways of providing care
  • Empowerment – sharing tools and knowledge to give my clients control of their body and life
  • Kindness – showing patience, respect and empathy to all

And finally, can you describe your organisation in 3 words?

Empowering, Dedicated and Creative!

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