5 Minutes with Macmillan Integrated Cancer Care Team | Your Cancer Services

01 July 2020 — david-allen

In light of the strange times of COVID-19, many organisations are continuing to evolve in order to offer the best care and support to those living with cancer. The Macmillan Integrated Cancer Care Team in Guildford now have a range of virtual offerings to all patients with cancer being treated at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. They currently hold a weekly virtual coffee morning that allows anyone affected by cancer in the Guildford area to meet others in similar situations, as well as “Healthy on Hormones,” a new group session being offered to gentlemen on hormone treatment for Prostate Cancer. We caught up with Nicola Porter, a Macmillan Dietitian, to find out more…

Tell us a little about MICCT…

The MICCT was established in 2019 to offer services to those living with and beyond cancer in the Guildford & Waverley area. With the unprecedented times of Coronavirus this year we have evolved as a service and now offer support to all those being actively treated or having completed cancer treatment at the St Luke’s cancer centre in Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford.

What services do you offer people living with cancer?

The team consists of a Clinical Nurse Specialist, an Occupational Therapist and a Dietitian. We offer group and 1:1 sessions depending on a person’s need. Topics include diet, fatigue, anxiety, activity and general wellbeing. During the lockdown we have changed to offer all our services virtually and we also run a very popular virtual coffee morning.

Do you have a target demographic who use your services? 

The MICCT offer services to all adults with a diagnosis of cancer in the Guildford area. 

How are you funded?

The MICCT is funded by Macmillan Cancer Support and hosted by the Royal Surrey NHS Trust. We are an innovative service bridging gaps between the acute hospital setting and the community.

What’s the most rewarding thing about the work you do?

Going through cancer treatment can be a scary time and finishing treatment has been described as ‘falling off a cliff’. The MICCT is a team of health professionals who provide support to improve knowledge and confidence. It is hugely rewarding to see the benefits gained from our services and from the opportunity to meet others in similar situations. 

What would you say to those who are considering getting in touch with you but are nervous or apprehensive?

We would love to hear from you please reach out by telephone or email and we can explain what we offer. We have 1:1 sessions or group sessions. Our new offering is a group specifically for men with Prostate cancer on hormone therapy ‘Healthy on Hormones’.

Do you have testimonials from people that have used your services? 

‘I am deeply grateful for the support, helpful advice and resources provided by the MICCT’

‘The contact with the warm, caring professionals of the MICCT helps me to stay positive and motivated to take better care of all aspects of my health and wellbeing.’

Who works for you?

The MICCT consists of registered and experienced health professionals; 

Rachel – Clinical Nurse Specialist

Caroline – Occupational Therapist

Nicola – Dietitian

Annie – Project Lead

What are the values of your work?

The MICCT empower people to live their best lives!

And finally, can you describe your organisation in 3 words?

The Way Forward!

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