5 Minutes with Stepping Stones Health & Well-Being | Your Cancer Services

23 August 2021 — david-allen

Starting a business is no easy feat, and starting one during a pandemic is something to be applauded. But that’s what Stephanie, founder of Stepping Stones Health & Well-Being did back in September 2020.

With a passion for providing rehabilitation care through exercise, Stephanie, established her business to help recovering patients achieve holistic health. Due to the current pandemic, classes are currently run via Zoom and also in person at Lychpit Community Hall in Basingstoke. We spoke to Stephanie to find out more…

What services do you offer people living with cancer?

I currently run exercise classes for people who have Prostate Cancer or Breast Cancer. The aim of these classes is to help people recover from their cancer and the treatments. It will help improve energy levels as well as improving strength and fitness.

Do you have a target demographic who use your services?
My classes are aimed at any adults who are living with Prostate or Breast Cancer

How are you funded?

I am currently not funded by anyone as I am not a charity.

How have things changed for you since COVID-19?

Well starting my business up in the middle of the pandemic hasn’t been the easiest thing to do. However, I know how important exercise is for people’s health and mental well-being so wanted to give it a try. The main difference has been switching the classes to online via Zoom. This actually works really well and a lot of my clients enjoy the Zoom sessions. Once we were able to get back into the halls, I had to limit numbers and change the style of class to make sure everyone was social distancing and not sharing equipment.

What’s the most rewarding thing about the work you do?

Seeing people happy. Seeing people achieve their goals. Watching people become more energised and sharing their success with me. When my clients tell me what a difference the exercise has done. Providing a class where people get to meet new people and create new friendships and support networks.

What would you say to those who are considering getting in touch with you but are nervous or apprehensive?

I totally understand that doing something new can be very nervous. I would say pick up the phone and let’s have a chat first. I am very friendly and will not push you to do anything you do not what to. I offer the first class for free so that people can come and try it first to see if it works for them. You will be met by some lovely friendly and supportive people that do the class. Everyone is there for the same reason and is going through the same thing.

Stephanie, founder of Stepping Stones Health & Well-Being


Do you have testimonials from people that have used your services?

I do have testimonials on my website from many people that have taken part in my classes, here are just a few…

“It would be hard to imagine a better organised exercise class for men living with prostate cancer. The range of exercises catered well to our specific needs and it is reassuring that our instructor, Stephanie, is sympathetic to our limitations. Stephanie deserves all of the praise she will, no doubt receive from forming Stepping Stones Health and Wellbeing.”

“I attended my first class with Steph yesterday. She is brilliant at her job and very understanding about the cancer us guys are all going through.I can thoroughly recommend her classes, she is a real professional.”

Who works for you?

It is just myself.

What are the values of your organisation?

To enhance the quality of life for those living with cancer by way of specific exercises for their cancer.

And finally, can you describe your organisation in 3 words?

Fun, Friendly, Supportive

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