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166 results found

City: buckinghamshire  
Keywords: breast cancer  
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Breast Cancer Art Project

Artist platform offering a place for people to express their experiences of breast cancer through creativity, share their artwork and be part of a community. No need to be a professional artist to get involved. For more information, see website.

Breast Cancer Coaching - Supporting women after treatment

Personalised 1-2-1 online coaching sessions for women affected by breast cancer, who are post treatment. Sessions aim to support women moving forward in life, to work through common issues they may face and give tools to promote wellbeing and self care. A free chat is offered before coaching begins there is also an option to join a private Facebook group. Visit the website for more information.

Breast Cancer Conversations Podcast Series

Podcast series for people living with breast cancer and their loved ones and carers. It offers information and practical advice through interviews with medical professionals and people living with the condition. Episodes cover everything from cancer fighting foods to clinical trials and chemotherapy. See website for more information.

Breast Cancer Haven

Breast cancer charity has now closed. It is still providing online self help information to people living with primary and secondary breast cancer. Whilst they no longer offer live services, you can still find resources, videos and downloadable audio files and signposting to other helpful resources.

Breast Cancer Husbands

Private Facebook group for men who are supporting women living with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Now

Charity providing care, information and emotional and practical support to people affected by breast cancer. It offers online support, courses, a free and confidential nurse helpline, a mobile app, and more. For more information please visit the website.

Breast Cancer Now - Information and Support

Charity offering information and support to people living with breast cancer. Its services include a helpline run by breast care nurses, online information, advice and information about local and online support groups and events. For more information please visit the website.

Breast Cancer Now - Living with Secondary Breast Cancer

Service for people living with secondary breast cancer. Find monthly face to face groups in your local area to meet others living with secondary breast cancer. There are also online groups, live guest speaker sessions, and expert speaker videos to watch at your own pace. See website for more information.

Breast Cancer Now – Moving Forward Course

Charity helping people adjust to life after hospital treatment for primary breast cancer. It offers support and professional guidance through face-to-face or online sessions over two weeks and regular live speaker sessions online. Topics covered may include healthy eating, exercise, managing menopausal symptoms, lymphoedema, cancer fatigue and intimacy and relationships. Please see website for full details.

Breast Cancer Now – Online Forum

Charity online forum for people living with breast cancer. The forum is a place for people to share their experiences, knowledge and support each other. For more information, see website.

Breast Cancer Podcasts

Podcast series produced by Breast Cancer Now charity offering personal stories and talks with various guests about living with and beyond breast cancer. The series is hosted by Laura Price, author of the novel Single Bald Female. Please see the website for more information.

Breast Cancer UK

Charity helping to reduce the risk of and preventing breast cancer through education, scientific research and policy change. It provides practical information and advice on lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of and prevent breast cancer. All information and advice is based on the latest scientific research and developments into breast cancer. Please see the website.

abcdiagnosis (Breast Cancer)

Information including up to date news on treatments, breast surgeries, consultants, hospitals and useful links for people living with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer information materials are written in other languages, the website also signposts to other services and offers two-night residential retreats throughout the year. See website for more information.

Against Breast Cancer

Charity funding pioneering research into new treatments, tools for earlier diagnosis and advice to reduce the risk of recurrence and secondary spread of breast cancer. It organises fundraising events and bra recycling. Please see website for information on prevention, detection and therapies.

Against Breast Cancer - Bra Recycling

Charity providing a bra recycling scheme to raise funds for breast cancer research. It recycles unwanted bras through its network of bra banks or you can post bras directly to the charity. Some of these bras are donated to women in less developed countries, including Togo, Ghana, and Kenya. Please see the website.

Becca - breast cancer support app

Mobile app providing support and information to people living with breast cancer. It gives daily support, tips and information including patient stories, information on side effects, menopausal symptoms, fatigue, diet, exercise, body image and more. See website for more information.

Bosom Pals Bedford Breast Cancer Support Group

Breast cancer support group offering practical advice, information and emotional support to people affected by breast cancer. The group meets in a relaxed and informal setting on the second Wednesday of the month from 7.45pm to 9.45pm. Meetings are usually attended by a breast care nurse with whom people can arrange to speak privately. There is also a partner's support group for loved ones to share any worries with those in a similar situation. Please see the website for further information.

Breast Friends Aylesbury - Breast Cancer Support Group

Support group for people living with and beyond breast cancer, run by volunteers who have been through treatment. Meet others with shared experiences and get information and support. Meeting in person on the second Tuesday of the month, 7pm to 9pm at the Church of the Holy Spirit, Aylesbury. They also send out a newsletter and have a private Facebook page. See website and/or contact for more information.

Building Resilience in Breast Cancer Centre (BriC)

Organisation for women living with and beyond breast cancer. It offers information, advice and emotional support including in person meetups, blogs and an online support network where people can meet others with shared experiences. See website for more information.

Chemogiftbags for Breast Cancer Patients

Charity providing free gift bags for people undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. The gift bags can contain different items such as blankets, heart shaped pillows, toiletries, nail kit, comfy socks, notebook and pen, head or neck scarf and more, to help ease people through their treatment. Bags can also be tailored for men going through chemo too. Please visit the website for more information.

Fly Fishing Group for Breast Cancer

Activity group offering fly fishing sessions for people living with breast cancer. At the sessions you learn to fly fish under the supervision of qualified coaches, sessions are held every month, are free of charge and are concluded with refreshments. New activity includes walk and talk alternative. Please see website for activities offered.

Future Dreams Breast Cancer Charity

Charity offering practical and emotional support to people living with breast cancer as well as funding research and promoting breast cancer awareness. Its website offers advice, information and help for loved ones, an online support hub, podcasts, personal stories and more. Its London centre offers a range of workshops, classes and social meet ups such as yoga, life coaching, qi gong and coffee mornings. See website for more information.

Jo's Hope Breast Cancer Charity - Milton Keynes

Charity for people affected by breast cancer, including loved ones and carers. It offers counselling services and other support such as post surgery bras. See website and/or contact for more information.

LGBTQ+ with breast cancer

US based online support for people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community living with breast cancer. The website provides advice and practical information on how to navigate life during a breast cancer diagnosis and after including understanding disparities in care and research for LGBTQ+ people and the impact on emotions, body image and sexual life. More information can be found on the website.

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer - Buckinghamshire

Monthly group for people living with secondary breast cancer. It offers the chance to meet people who understand. Meeting in person on the third Monday of the month at 11am, with regular expert speakers. Contact for more information and register to attend.

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer - Milton Keynes

Monthly group for people living with secondary breast cancer. It offers the chance to meet people who understand. Meeting in person on the second Monday of the month at 11am, with regular expert speakers. Contact for more information and register to attend.

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer - Oxford

Monthly group for people living with secondary breast cancer. It offers the chance to meet people who understand. Meeting in person on the third Thursday of the month at 11am, with regular expert speakers. Contact for more information and register to attend.

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer - Reading

Monthly group for people living with secondary breast cancer. Facilitated by a trained counsellor, it offers the chance to meet people who understand. Meeting in person on the third Friday of the month at 11am, with regular expert speakers. Contact for more information and register to attend.

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer Support Group - Bedfordshire

Monthly group for people living with secondary breast cancer. Facilitated by a trained counsellor, it offers the chance to meet people who understand. Meeting in person on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 11am, with regular expert speakers. Contact for more information and register to attend.

Lobular Breast Cancer UK

Charity offering information and practical and emotional support to people with lobular breast cancer. Services include online resources, videos, private Facebook group and signposting to further support. Please see website for more information.

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